Apple iPhone 12 (Used) Professional
2 years ago Mobiles Baridhara 314 viewsLocation: Baridhara
Price: 59,500 ৳
Bluetooth, Camera, Dual-Lens Camera, Dual SIM, Expandable Memory, Fingerprint Sensor, GPS, Physical keyboard, Motion Sensors, 3G, 4G, GSM, Touch screen
iphone 12 red (128gb)Battery-Helth 100%)
Brand New Condition,
With 7 Days Replacement & 2 Year Service Warranty without parts, display and software.
Call us For more information
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নতুন উদ্দীপনায় আমাদের ঠিকানা এখন যমুনা ফিউচার পার্ক
Exchange Possible
Phone Max BD
Branch 1:
Shop# 005-A, Block# B, Level 4,
Jamuna Future Park,
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